Our Investments in
The furniture industry includes a wide range of products and markets, usually containing these sub sectors based on the purchaser’s characteristics:
Households: serving individuals, mainly through retail outlets and for household use.
Public Services: furniture for public areas, such as hotels, schools, hospitals, restaurants, residential accommodation and other public venues.
Office: desks, workstations, seating, tables, cabinets and other items for the office environment.
Public Services: furniture for public areas, such as hotels, schools, hospitals, restaurants, residential accommodation and other public venues.
Office: desks, workstations, seating, tables, cabinets and other items for the office environment.
We invest to create office solutions for companies and business owners by providing exceptional quality for a wide range of products that can fit the business needs of our clients.

A company that offers a range of office furniture that fit different spaces and design environments. Rakal is also the exclusive distributor of Haworth company which is focused on working spaces and furnishing it to support individuals and their productivity.
Trust International Investment Co.
For us it's not just what we do, but how we do it. We see Money as a tool, not a goal.